About me and my journey
Hi, I'm Ana, founder of Armonyah.
I'm a Mindful Movement specialist, a recovering overachiever and stress addict, and someone who knows - first hand - what it means to battle with anxiety and its physical symptoms, but at the same time that the stress, tension and restlessness you experience and store in your body can be healed and released again, through your body.
This is my story...
the disconnect
Until the age of 31 I lived life caught up in my head, pressuring myself to perform, to be perfect, to fit in. I graduated from one of the most prestigious private universities in France with the highest praise with a Master's degree in Corporate Communications, spending the next 15 years working myself up the ladder of major corporations, all the way to being in charge of European PR and Communications for an American multinational who hired me for the 6 languages I speak.
But in 2016 my body put me to a full stop. I felt so angry, so lost. I didn't understand what was going on since I had always managed everything to perfection. I felt my body had let me down. Looking back, I realised I had repressed emotions (depression, anxiety...), aches and pains (scoliosis, migraines...), chronic inflammation (IBS, cramps...) and panic attacks for years. You may try to suppress, but your body remembers...
My body reminded me my life had always been about achieving, standing out, getting praise and making others proud. It reminded me I had lost track of who I was and where I wanted to go. It reminded me that without my job title, I didn't know my worth. It helped me reconnect with what had been most precious to me during my childhood and adolescence: finding joy and peace in movement.
After countless visits and thousands of euros spent on therapists, coaches and healers of all kinds, I finally decided to step back onto my mat. It was that private practice, away from the pressure I put on myself, connected to the inside vs. the outside that enabled me to FEEL again and to experience another definition of "success", of "aliveness" : one that only YOU can define for yourself.
returning home
I dove deep into these life-changing practices, absorbing as much as I could from instructors around the world, assimilating concepts and embodying exercises off the bat thanks to my past experience as a dancer, performer and patient: 20 years of ballet dancing, 4 years teaching and performing swing dance in Brussels, 10 years of competitive tennis, a decade of weekly physiotherapy sessions to relieve severe back pain, and of course my 15-year career as a multilingual communications professional - all made up a natural springboard for what turned out to be a very smooth transition into a career as Mind-Body practitioner.
After 4 years of personal healing, training and study, Armonyah was born in the most natural, beautiful way. Friends and acquaintances started noticing my transformation and were longing for the same results.
Since 2020, Armonyah has helped over a hundred clients improve their lives and switch from feeling stuck and stagnant, to experiencing presence and power.
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Armonyah helps bright, stressed and overwhelmed women reclaim their life through the wisdom of their body ✨