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The link between your digestive problems and your emotions

If you're feeling unwell, if you're stressed, if you have any worries or problems, all these things have a direct influence on your digestion, even if no one tells you.

And what if all those medical diagnoses don't help you one iota because they still don't solve the real cause? 😌

What if the solution to all these problems wasn't obvious, but was hiding inside you, in your everyday life, your childhood or your routines?

Negative emotions can in fact have a considerable impact on your digestion. Here are 5 examples:

  1. Stress and stomach ache Chronic stress increases the production of stress hormones such as cortisol, which can lead to changes in gastric acid production.

  2. Depression and constipation Depressive moods can have an impact on the intestines and lead to slower bowel movements. In this case, you generally find yourself in the "Freeze" mode of your nervous system. This can lead to constipation, as intestinal motility (bowel movements) is affected.

  3. Anger and irritable bowel syndrome If we always repress strong emotions such as anger, this can result in chronic activation of the nervous system. Over time, this can lead to non-specific symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating and irregular bowel movements.

  4. Sadness and reduced appetite Sadness or depressive feelings can influence appetite and lead to a reduction in food intake. This can lead to insufficient production of digestive enzymes and slower digestion.

  5. Anxious thoughts and diarrhoea Intense fear or persistent anxious thoughts can overstimulate the intestine and cause increased intestinal contractions. This can lead to diarrhoea as your body prepares to "Fight / Flight". Your body is so intelligent that it wants to get rid of unnecessary waste so that it can move with greater ease!

Digestive problems are often the long-term consequences of living or surviving in an acute state of your nervous system: if you never express your emotions, but in the worst case repress them, this can lead to a dysregulated nervous system over time.

If you find yourself in one of the emotions and situations described above, I invite you to ask yourself:

"Who am I having difficulty digesting in the moment, what behaviour isn't getting through and meeting my expectations?"

Movement frees emotions

The good news is that you can leave this survival state with somatic exercises (even after years or decades stuck in this state) 🙌🏻

Somatic exercises free your body from years of repressed stress, stored trauma and suppressed emotions ⚡

It's essential that your body gets rid of Fight / Flight / Freeze energy BEFORE you make any important decisions.

Once this so-called "survival" energy is out of your system thanks to these gentle, targeted exercises,

You'll get your energy back,

You'll feel like a veil is dissipating from your body and mind,

You'll start to make decisions more easily and reconnect with your emotions and those around you 💗

You will no longer feel blocked or constantly overwhelmed and activated, but rather present, engaged and joyful ✨

How do you get out of it?

I guide you step by step in my 30-day online programme 👇🏻


Programme - 30 days of somatic exercises (in French)

Programme Libère ton Corps exercices somatiques anti stress

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